
Hey everyone!! Since I’m getting a few views lately, I’ve updated my site and dropped the “.wordpress.com” from the tail. Please go here the keep on following me! www.awkwardlovecomic.com

Yes, I'm a commuter now...

Yes, I’m a commuter now…

13 thoughts on ““Traffic”

  1. Hey, this is great stuff! Love the artwork and the storylines – please give us more, now that we know you’re there! Been doing the family thing for 30 years, along with cats, marriages and WoW – if I can help with suggestions or the like, feel free. Like the cat the waits patiently in the office until I get up in the AM, then she insists I follow her into the kitchen to make sure there’s actually food in the bowl. Or lying on the desk – stretched out in such a way to take up every possible inch she can. Or reaching over the edge of the desk and BAP!ing the mouse hard enough to knock it into the wife’s chair.

    • Yeah, I’m really glad you like it 🙂 Never in a million years thought I’d be seeing so many people here, I made this a little personal project after the first few strips didn’t get noticed, lol. I’m just writing from experience and from the heart, but if you have characters you’d like to see more of, or if you have strips you particularly liked I’d love to know. I’m playing with the style a little right now, so it will most likely change a tiny bit down the road. I also have a crazy spinoff title in mind, again, just something silly I like to play with in my head.

      • Honestly, I looked them all over again, and I don’t see any I don’t like. You have a real facility for expression – great facial studies. In my opinion though, the only thing you’ll have to watch is making sure to do updates on a regular basis if you really want to start growing. Even if it’s only once a week, or even possibly every other week, you have to be consistent about always posting SOMEthing on that date, even if it’s not your best work. If you do this, I think you’ll really start going places.

      • Yeah, I totally agree. Thing is I sorta never TRIED to make this a thing. Didn’t really think a ton of people would like it. Now that I have some people who are enjoying these I’m going to do everything I can to make more strips on a regular basis. If I even tried to tell you how much work I do every week I almost think you wouldn’t believe me, lol.

        Thanks so much for the compliments and encouragement! I’ve been so pleased people are reading!

  2. I like how you drew her left boob bigger than the right (not always the case but still a nice touch -heh-)

    Best wishes,
    The Boob Observer

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